Astrological Chart Report
Get your astrological chart analysis report
Astrological Chart Report
You can take a free look at an analysis of your astrological chart. You can view the report once, and, if you like it, you can purchase it.
Chart Report Features
- The report is based on modern, standard astrological methods that have evolved over the centuries and advanced by C. C. Zain (aka Elbert Benjamine) in the Brotherhood of Light lessons.
- The report covers everything that a standard chart analysis should include, with some enhancements, but avoids the wacky stuff you'll find on the internet.
- The report is presented as a web page thus allowing for some interactivity and the ability to be displayed in any browser on any device.
- The report is produced by the Horoscope program software that you can purchase separately, and which allows you to create unlimited chart reports for friends, family or clients.
- The report is very detailed and can extend from 30 to 40 pages when printed depending on the number of important aspects and special configurations in the chart.
The report covers the following topics:
- An introduction providing a context for astrological reports in general.
- Interactive diagrams that show the distribution of energy in the chart for planets, signs, and houses, which have hover popups providing detail information.
- Your key chart points and general characteristics that includes descriptions of your Sun sign, Moon sign, Ascendent (Rising sign), planet ruler of your personality, your Dominant Planet (a unique and important feature of Horoscope chart reports), and the sign your Mercury is in (speech and communication skills).
- Key Decanates - a special feature you'll only find in Horoscope chart reports!
- Chart topology which show the distribution of your planets in key sectors of your chart that influence basic character.
- Indicators of Genera temperament and disposition based on the distribution of your planets among the signs of the zodiac.
- The distribution of your planets among the Personal, Companionship, and Public houses or departments of life.
- Astrodyne analysis - a review of the power, harmony, and discord of your planets, houses, and signs - another unique feature of Horoscope chart reports.
- A description of any unique planetary configurations found in your chart.
- An analysis of each department of life based on the positions of the planets among the houses and the aspects (angular displacements) they make to each other.
- Finally, an appendix that provides a tutorial on all the components that make up chart delineation and analysis.